Happy U HQ
Incorporating Central Coast Modern Hypnosis

You're Almost There!
Four Steps to Living Smoke-Free

So, if you are ready to start living your best life, jump on and book our quit smoking program today. It starts off with a two-hour session where I dig deep into the patterns and behaviours that are causing you to do smoking.
From there using the latest in neuroscience and hypnosis techniques, I'm going to help you create a brand-new pattern and a brand-new story that is going to have you living your life. happy, healthy and smoke-free.
I will do a additional complimentary appointment for you within the first seven days (You probably won’t need it but I’m a belt-and-braces kind of person). This appointment is free and is designed to ensure that there are no other lingering, disempowering beliefs attached to the old habit of smoking.
Are you ready to be my next success story?
Jump on now, book your session today and let's get you living life the HappyAF way.
Hello beautiful soul, I am so freaking excited that you have decided to check out my quit smoking program. What I know about you is that you have a story about smoking. It's my only pleasure, it calms me down, it gives me a break from the chaos, but no matter what story you are telling yourself it's just story just BS, just lies that you're telling yourself. BS, of course stands for Belief System, but you know what else it could stand for?
The rest is just Limited Information Entertained (LIE).
So, whether you think that you enjoy smoking, or it's a habit that you've been doing for a long time, or you've tried and failed many times in the past, I want you to know, smoking is just a habit. It is as simple as that.

Three ways to Live Smoke-Free
The amount of nicotine it takes to cause an addictive urge leaves your body within 72 hours of your last cigarette, all that's left is the habit and a habit can be changed easily, especially when you want to change it like you do.
NLP and hypnosis combined change the patterns that encourage you to smoke. These therapies have been shown to be the most successful at delivering long-term success, with an 85% success rate.
Now is the time to break free of this toxic and expensive habit and start living your happiest, healthiest life. Book your quit smoking program today, and let's get you breathing easy, moving forward and being the healthiest version of yourself possible.
Are you ready to be our next success story?
Text SMOKING to 0425 393 600 and we'll call back to chat about how we can help.